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prior to 2000
- Griffin AS, Callen A, Klop-Toker K, Scanlon RJ & Hayward M. (in press). Compassionate conservation clashes with conservation biology: Should empathy, compassion and deontological moral principles drive conservation practice? Frontiers in Psychology.
- Burstal J, Clulow S, Colyvas K, Kark S, Griffin AS. (in press). Radiotracking invasive spread: Are common mynas more active and more exploratory on the invasion front. Biological Invasions.
- Camacho-Alpízar, A., Griffin, A., and Guillette, L. M. (In press). Are cognitive abilities under selection by female choice? A comment on Chen et al. 2019. Animal Behaviour.
- Diquelou, M. & Griffin, AS (In press). Behavioural responses of invasive and nuisance vertebrates to harvesting: a mechanistic framework. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution.
- Peneaux C, Hansbro P & Griffin AS. (In press). The potential utility of carotenoid signals as biomonitors of environmental change. Ibis.
- Wang Z, Fahey D, Lucas A, Griffin AS, Chamitoff G, & Wong KC. (In press). Bird damage management in vineyards: Comparing efficacy of a bird psychology-incorporated unmanned aerial vehicle system with netting and visual scaring. Crop Protection.
- Griffin AS, Brown C, Woodworth BK, Ballard G-A, Blanch S, Campbell HA, Crewe TL, Hansbro PM, Herbert CA, Hosking T, Hoye BJ, Law B, Leigh K, Machovsky-Capuska, GE, Rasmussen T, McDonald PG, Roderick M, Slade C, Mackenzie SA, Taylor PD. A large-scale automated radio telemetry network for monitoring movements of terrestrial wildlife in Australia. Australian Zoologist. doi: 10.7882/AZ.2019.026
- Ewart, K., Griffin, A.S., Johnson, R., Kark, S., Magory Cohen, T., Lo, N., & Major, R. Two speed invasion: assisted and intrinsic dispersal of common mynas over 150-years of colonization. Journal of Biogeography, 46:45-57.
- Wang, Z., Griffin, A. S., Lucas, A. & Wong, K. Psychological warfare in vineyard: using drones and bird psychology to control bird damage to wine grape. Crop Protection, 120, 163–170. Media coverage
- Diquelou MC & Griffin AS. It’s a trap! Invasive common mynas learn socially about control-related cues. Behavioral Ecology.
- Hayward MW et al. Should the compassionate tail wag the conservation dog? Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13366
- Hayward, M.W. et al. Reintroducing rewilding to restoration - Rejecting the search for novelty. Biological Conservation 233, 255-259.
- Hayward MW et al. Deconstructing compassionate conservation. Conservation Biology, 33, 760-768.
- Jachowski DS et al. By trying to be everything, rewilding risks meaning nothing. Science 364, R87-R91.
- Hayward MW et al. Rewilding needs to clarify the role of management of invasive species. Science 364, R87-R91.
- Griffin AS et al. Scientists' Declaration: Strong legislation needed to curb Australia's accelerating rate of land clearing. Ecological Society of Australia.
- Maron M, Griffin AS, Reside A, Laurance B, Driscoll D, Ritchie E, Turton S. To reduce fire risk and meeting climate change targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws. The Conversation.
- Griffin, A.S. & Hayward, M.W. (2018) Will systematic review facilitate translational behavioral ecology? A comment on Berger-Tal et al. Behavioral Ecology 30, 10–11.
- Diquelou, M. C., MacFarlane, G. R., & Griffin, A. S. (2018). Investigating responses to control: a comparison of common myna behaviour across areas of high and low trapping pressure. Biological Invasions.
- Subias, L., Griffin, A.S. and Guez, D. (2018). Inference by exclusion in the Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii). Integrative Zoology. doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12299.
- Peneaux C, Machovsky-Capuska GE, Raubenheimer D, Lermite F, Rousseau C, Ruhan T, Rodger J, Griffin A.S. (2017). Tasting novel foods and selecting nutrient content in a highly successful ecological invader, the common myna. Journal of Avian Biology, 48,1432–1440.
- Griffin A.S. (2017). Adaptive Behavior and Learning. Second Edition by J. E. R. Staddon. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 92:192–193.
- Guez D, Subias L, Griffin A.S. (2017). Colour and shape preferences of Apis cerana (Java genotype) in Australia. Bulletin of Insectology, 70, 267-272.
- Griffin A.S., Netto K., Peneaux C. (2017). Neophilia, innovation and learning in an urbanized world: A critical evaluation of mixed findings. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 16:15-22.
- Federspiel, I.G., Garland, A., Guez, D., Bugnyar, T., Healy, S.D., Güntürkün, O., Griffin, A.S. (2017). Adjusting foraging strategies: a comparison of rural and urban common mynas (Acridotheres tristis). Animal Cognition, 20, 65–74. (please see Author name spelling correction here: erratum)
- Griffin A.S., Tebbich S., Bugnyar T. (2017). Animal cognition in a human-dominated world. Animal Cognition, 20, 1–6. (please see Author name spelling correction here: erratum)
- Lermite F., Peneaux C., Griffin A.S. (2017). Personality and problem-solving in common mynas (Acridotheres tristis). Behavioural Processes, 134, 87–94.
- Guillette L.M., Naguib M., Griffin A.S. (2017). Individual differences in cognition and personality. Behavioural Processes, 134,1–3.
- Perals D. Griffin A.S., Bartomeus I., Sol D. (2017). Revisiting the open-field test: What does it really tell us about animal personality. Animal Behaviour, 123, 69–79.
- Griffin, A. S., & Guez, D. (2016). The innovative bird: Contextual determinants and underpinning mechanisms of innovative foraging. p145-170. In Animal Cognition (Ed. M. Olmstead). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Griffin, A. S., Guez, D., Federspiel, I., Diquelou, M. & Lermite, F. (2016). Invading new environments: A mechanistic framework linking motor diversity and cognitive processes to invasion success. p26-46. In 'Biological Invasions and Behavior’ (Eds. D. Sol & J.S. Weis), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Guez, D. & Griffin, A.S. (2016) Unravelling the key to innovative problem solving: A test of learning versus persistence. Behavioral Ecology. 27, 1449-1460. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arw055.
- Griffin, A.S. (2016). Innovation as an emergent process: A new alignment in animal innovation research. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 371: 20150544.
- Tebbich, S., Griffin, A. S., Peschl, M. & Sterelny, K. (2016). From mechanisms to function: an integrated framework of animal innovation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 371: 20150195.
- Griffin, A. S., & Guez, D. (2016). Bridging the Gap Between Cross-Taxon and Within-Species Analyses of Behavioral Innovations in Birds: Making Sense of Discrepant Cognition–Innovation Relationships and the Role of Motor Diversity. In M. Naguib, J. C. Mitani, L. W. Simmons, L. Barrett, S. Healy, & M. Zuk (Eds.), Advances in the Study of Behavior, 48, 1–40.
- Neumann, D. L., Webb, S., Paolini, S., Griffin, A. S., & O'Donnell, A. W. (2016). Affective learning about racial in-group and out-group members. Proceedings of the European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences.
- Peneaux, C. & Griffin, A.S. (2016). Opportunistic observations of travel distances in common mynas (Acridotheres tristis). Canberra Notes, 40, 228-234.
- Diquelou, M., Griffin, A. S. & Sol, D. (2015). The role of motor diversity in foraging innovations: A cross-species comparison in urban birds, 27, 584-591. Behavioral Ecology, 10.1093/beheco/arv190. Media Coverage
- Griffin, A.S., Guillette, L. & Healy, S.D. (2015). Cognition and personality: An analysis of an emerging field. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30, 207-214.
- Griffin, A. S. & Guez, D. (2015). Innovative problem solving in non human animals: The effects of group size revisited. Behavioral Ecology, 10.1093/beheco/aru238.
- Paolini, S., Harris, N. C. & Griffin, A. S. (2015). Learning anxiety in interactions with the outgroup: Towards a learning model of anxiety and stress in intergroup contact. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 1368430215572265.
- Griffin, A.S. & Diquelou, M. C. (2015). Innovative problem solving in birds: A cross-species comparison of two highly successful Passerines. Animal Behaviour, 100, 84-94.
- Griffin, A. S. & Guez, D. (2014). Innovation and problem solving: a review of common mechanisms. Behavioural Processes. Special issue on Animal cognition in the Wild. Eds S. Healy & C Rowe.
- Griffin, A. S., Diquelou, M. & Perea, M. (2014). Innovative problem solving in birds: A key role of motor diversity. Animal Behaviour,
- Griffin, A. S., Guez, D., Lermite, F. Patience, M. (2013). Tracking changing environments: Innovators are fast, but not flexible learners. PLOS One. 8(12): e84907. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084907. See also:
- Griffin, A. S., Lermite, F., Perea, M. & Guez, D. 2013. To innovate or not: Contrasting effects of social groupings on safe and risky foraging in Indian mynas. Animal Behaviour, 86: 1291-1300.
- Sol, D., Bartomeus, I. & Griffin, A. S. 2012. The paradox of invasion in birds: Competitive superiority or ecological opportunism. Oecologia, 169, 553-564.
- Sol, D., Griffin, A. S., Bartomeus, I. & Boyce, H. M. 2012. Consumer and motor innovation in the invasive common myna: the role of motivation and emotional responses. Animal Behaviour, 83, 179-188.
- Overington, S. E., Griffin, A. S., Sol, D. & Lefebvre, L. 2011. Are innovative species ecological generalists? A test in North American birds. Behavioral Ecology, 22, 1286-1293
- Sol, D., Griffin, A. S., Bartomeus, I. & Boyce, H. M. 2011. Exploring or avoiding novel food resources? The novelty conflict in an invasive bird. PLoS One, 6. Open access.
- Griffin, A. S. & Haythorpe, K. M. 2011. Learning from observing alarmed demonstrators: does the cause of alarm matter? Animal Behaviour, 81, 1163-1169.
- Griffin, A. S. 2010. Learning and Conservation. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (Ed. by Breed, M. D. & Moore, J.), pp. 259-264. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Griffin, A. S., Boyce, H. M. & MacFarlane, G. R. 2010. Social learning about places: observers may need to detect both social alarm and its cause in order to learn. Animal Behaviour, 79, 459-465.
- Griffin, A. S. 2009. Temporal limitations on social learning of novel predators by Indian mynahs, Acridotheres tristis. Ethology, 115, 287-295. Abstract
- Griffin, A. S. & Boyce, H. M. 2009. Indian mynahs, Acridotheres tristis, learn about dangerous places by observing the fate of others. Animal Behaviour, 78, 79-84. Abstract
- Griffin, A. S. 2008. Social learning in Indian mynahs, Acridotheres tristis: the role of distress calls. Animal Behaviour, 75, 79-89. Abstract
- Griffin, A. S. 2008. Social learning about predators: is it just Pavlovian conditioning? Brain Research Bulletin, 76, 264-271. Abstract
- Griffin, A. S. & Galef, B. G., Jr. 2005. Social learning about predators: does timing matter? Animal Behaviour, 69, 669-678.
- Griffin, A. S., Savani, R. S., Hausmanis, K. & Lefebvre, L. 2005. Mixed species aggregations in birds: Zenaida doves, Zenaida aurita, respond to the alarm calls of carib grackles, Quiscalus lugubris. Animal Behaviour, 70, 507-515.
- Griffin, A. S. 2004. Social learning about predators: A review and prospectus. Learning & Behavior, 32, 131-140.
- Griffin, A. S. 2003. Training tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) to respond to predators: A review linking experimental Psychology to Conservation. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 16, 111-129.
- Griffin, A. S. & Evans, C. S. 2003a. The role of differential reinforcement in predator avoidance learning. Behavioural Processes, 61, 87-94.
- Griffin, A. S. & Evans, C. S. 2003b. Social learning of antipredator behaviour in a marsupial. Animal Behaviour, 66, 485-492.
- Griffin, A. S., Evans, C. S. & Blumstein, D. T. 2002. Selective learning in a marsupial. Ethology, 108, 1103-1114.
- Blumstein, D. T., Mari, M., Daniel, J. C., Ardron, J. G., Griffin, A. S. & Evans, C. S. 2002. Olfactory predator recognition: wallabies may have to learn to be wary. Animal Conservation, 5, 87-93.
- Griffin, A. S., Evans, C. S. & Blumstein, D. T. 2001. Learning specificity in acquired predator recognition. Animal Behaviour, 62, 577-589.
- Griffin, A. S., Blumstein, D. T. & Evans, C. S. 2000. Training captive-bred or translocated animals to avoid predators. Conservation Biology, 14, 1317-1326.
- Blumstein, D. T., Daniel, J. C., Griffin, A. S. & Evans, C. S. 2000. Insular tammar wallabies respond to visual but not acoustic cues from predators. Behavioral Ecology, 11, 528-535.
prior to 2000
- Etienne, A. S., Maurer, R., Georgakopoulos, J. & Griffin, A. S. 1999. Dead reckoning (Path integration), landmarks, and representation of space in a comparative perspective. In: Wayfinding behavior. Cognitive mapping and other spatial processes (Ed. by Golledge, R. G.), pp. 197-228. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
- Griffin, A. S. & Etienne, A. S. 1998. Updating the path integrator through a visual fix. Psychobiology, 26, 240-248.
- Etienne, A. S., Maurer, R., Berlie, J., Derivaz, V., Georgakopoulos, J., Griffin, A. S., & Rowe, T. (1998). Cooperation between dead reckoning (path integration) and external position cues. Journal of Navigation, 51, 23-34.